By Purpose Productions a Missouri 501(c)(3) welcomes you to attend the Grand Opening of the First Time Homebuyers Headquarters and New office of Keys Realty Group Inc! Join us at 5737 Swope Parkway, Kansas City, MO, USA for an exciting in-person event. Whether you’re our current or future community partner we’d like to give you insight into how this housing incubator will help make an impact on homeownership for individuals in underserved neighborhoods who have not had access to the opportunity of becoming first-time homebuyers.
Join us as we tour the facility, enjoy champagne and appetizers and hear about the facility and some of the programs and services that will be provided from community partners!
Don’t miss out on this incredible event – mark your calendars and we’ll see you there!
“Our mission is to provide financial literacy and homeownership education to underserved communities”